NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Libraries
  • Authentication
  • Rate Limits
  • Errors
  • Enrich API
  • Verify API
  • Introduction

    The Enrich REST API lets you access all Enrich features from your app. We put a strong focus on stability of the specifications in time, so that once implemented, you won't have to update your API calls over time. Plus, we provide API wrappers for most common development platforms & languages.

    Enrich REST API authentication is done via standard HTTP authentication. All requests to the API are secured by HTTPS. The API returns consistent, JSON-formatted responses that use standard HTTP status codes (eg. to return success or error statuses, see the Errors section for more on error codes).

    The Enrich API is split in sub-APIs, which you can use for specific use cases. For instance, if you need to discover personal and company information for an email, you may use the Enrich API. If you need to check if an email is valid or not, use the Verify API. The list of all available sub-APIs can be accessed in the left navigation bar.

    Requests to the Enrich REST API may incur credit costs on your Enrich account, provided you didn't ask for a resource before. For instance, the first company enrichment request for the domain has a credit cost. Then, all subsequent requests for the same domain are free. Given you enrich another company domain, this domain will also incur credit costs once, and then become free for subsequent enrichments.

    📝 Reference revision: 02/20/2018


    Enrich maintains official API wrappers in popular languages.

    They are useful if you need to quickly implement common API features in your backend or frontend app.


    To authorize any request to the API, use this code:

    curl '' \
        -u '<user_id>:<secret_key>'

    Make sure to replace <user_id> with your user identifier and <secret_key> with your API key.

    All requests to the Enrich API must be authenticated. API keys are distributed by Crisp. Please contact us on chat if you want to get one. If you don't authenticate a request, you will get a 401 Unauthorized response.

    Enrich API expects the authorization key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

    Authorization: BASE64(<user_id>:<secret_key>)

    The authorization header must be formatted according to Basic Auth. Thus, the username and password combination must be Base64-encoded, and formatted as username:password, where username is the user identifier and password is the secret key.

    Using the curl command, you don't have to do anything complex to authenticate as it handles the Base64 part for you. Just append the -u command parameter as such:

    curl '<api_url>' -u '<user_id>:<secret_key>'

    The user_id is formatted as ui_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. The secret key is formatted as sk_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

    Rate Limits

    If you hit the API with too many requests in a given slot of time, subsequent requests will temporarily fail.

    If your client gets rate-limited, you will start receiving 429 Too Many Requests or 420 Enhance Your Calm (if you go too far) HTTP errors in response to your requests. This can be global or per-route, based on how you triggered our rate-limiting systems.

    Enrich rate limits are fairly high. They ensure you don't put too much pressure on Enrich systems at any given time, as other customers also depend on it and may be impacted by the load you create.


    HTTP status code

    The following HTTP error codes are in use:

    Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request — Your request is invalid.
    401 Unauthorized — No API token has been provided.
    402 Payment Required — You don't have enough credits on your account for this request.
    403 Forbidden — Your API token is wrong.
    404 Not Found — No result found for request.
    405 Method Not Allowed — You tried to access a resource with an invalid HTTP method.
    406 Not Acceptable — You requested a format that isn't JSON.
    408 Request Timeout — The request timed out due to a client error.
    420 Enhance Your Calm — You're being rate-limited for all routes. Wow, slow down please!
    422 Unprocessable Entity — The data you sent has semantic errors.
    429 Too Many Requests — You're being rate-limited for current route. Slow down a tiny bit.
    500 Internal Server Error — The server servicing the request had an issue.
    502 Bad Gateway — The service is temporarily offline for unexpected reasons.
    503 Service Unavailable — The service is temporarily offline for maintenance.
    504 Gateway Timeout — The service is temporarily overloaded and could not serve the request.

    Error reasons

    When an error occurs, the response will be formatted in a specific way to provide details on what happened, as such:

      "error": {
        "reason": "rate_limited",
        "message": "You are requesting the API too frequently. Slow down."

    The following error reasons are in use:

    Reason Meaning
    error Generic Error — A generic error when the reason is unknown.
    not_found Not Found — No result found for request.
    not_authenticated Not Authenticated — The request is not authenticated.
    invalid_token Invalid Token — The credentials provided in the authorization header is invalid.
    invalid_data Invalid Data — The data sent with the request is invalid.
    not_enough_credits Not Enough Credits — The account doesn't have enough credits for the request.
    method_not_allowed Method Not Allowed — There is no such method handler for your request.
    not_acceptable Not Acceptable — The data you submitted is not JSON.
    unprocessable_entity Unprocessable Entity — The data you submitted has semantic errors.
    rate_limited Rate Limited — The request has been rate-limited. Please slow down.
    timed_out Timed Out — The request processing took too much time.

    Enrich API

    Enrich a Person

    curl ''

    Example response for this route:

      "query": {
        "email": "",
      "person": {
        "id": "b07646d9-98e7-4c96-868b-6a5a834145f7",
        "name": {
          "full": "Valerian Saliou",
          "first": "Valerian",
          "last": "Saliou"
        "avatar": "",
        "gender": "male",
        "description": "Full Stack Developer & UI Designer - XMPP Technologist - Objectivist - Co-founder CTO @crisp_im",
        "timezone": "UTC+02:00",
        "contact": {
          "domain": "",
          "website": "",
          "facebook": "",
          "twitter": "",
          "linkedin": "",
          "github": "",
          "youtube": "",
          "instagram": "",
          "emails": [
          "phones": [
          "linkedin_id": 987382739
        "social": {
          "facebook": {
            "handle": "valerian.saliou",
            "url": ""
          "twitter": {
            "handle": "valeriansaliou",
            "url": ""
          "linkedin": {
            "handle": "valeriansaliou",
            "url": ""
          "github": {
            "handle": "valeriansaliou",
            "url": ""
          "youtube": {
            "handle": "valsaliou",
            "url": ""
          "instagram": {
            "handle": "valeriansaliou",
            "url": ""
        "address": {
          "street": "Brivibas iela 33-8",
          "postcode": "LV-1010",
          "city": "Rīga",
          "region": "Rīga",
          "country": "LV",
          "coordinates": {
            "latitude": 56.9553,
            "longitude": 24.1195
        "employments": [
            "id": "5a505497-9c1f-4fa9-a97c-a73313854d8e",
            "name": "Crisp",
            "domain": "",
            "title": "CTO",
            "role": "engineering",
            "seniority": "executive"
        "geolocation": {
          "country": "LV",
          "region": "Rīga",
          "city": "Rīga",
          "coordinates": {
            "latitude": 56.9553,
            "longitude": 24.1195
        "locales": [
      "companies": [
          "id": "5a505497-9c1f-4fa9-a97c-a73313854d8e",
          "name": "Crisp",
          "legal_name": "Crisp IM SARL",
          "logo": "",
          "description": "The best live chat and customer engagement solution for your website.",
          "kind": "private",
          "founded": 2015,
          "timezone": "UTC-04:00",
          "contact": {
            "domain": "",
            "website": "",
            "facebook": "",
            "twitter": "",
            "linkedin": "",
            "github": "",
            "youtube": null,
            "instagram": null,
            "emails": [
            "phones": [
            "linkedin_id": 877363938
          "category": {
            "industry": "software",
            "specialities": [
          "address": {
            "street": "149 Rue Pierre Semard",
            "postcode": "29200",
            "city": "Brest",
            "region": "29",
            "country": "FR",
            "coordinates": {
              "latitude": 48.390718,
              "longitude": -4.470261
          "metrics": {
            "annual_revenue": {
              "amount": 1200000,
              "currency": "USD"
            "employees": [1,10],
            "facebook_likes": 12301,
            "twitter_followers": 5238
          "employees": {
            "email_format": "{fn}",
            "persons": [
                "id": "a5891fd2-dac6-45a6-9458-65eaab708020",
                "name": {
                  "full": "Valerian Saliou",
                  "first": "Valerian",
                  "last": "Saliou"
                "employment": {
                  "title": null,
                  "role": "engineering",
                  "seniority": "executive"
                "contact": {
                  "domain": "",
                  "website": "",
                  "facebook": "",
                  "twitter": "",
                  "linkedin": "",
                  "github": "",
                  "youtube": "",
                  "instagram": null,
                  "emails": [
                  "phones": [
                  "linkedin_id": null

    This resource enriches data on a person with personal and company information on a person defined by their email.

    HTTP Request


    Credit Cost

    1 enrichment counts for 2 credits. If you request the same enrich resource multiple times in the same month, credits will only be billed once. Billed only if results are returned.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    id The internal identifier of the person to enrich (optional)
    email The email address to enrich (optional)

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    query.* string Query parameters that were taken into account string Person unique identifier string Person full name string Person first name string Person last name
    person.avatar string Person avatar
    person.gender string Person gender
    person.description string Person description
    person.timezone string Person timezone string Person domain string Person website string Person Facebook URL string Person Twitter URL string Person LinkedIn URL string Person GitHub URL string Person YouTube URL string Person Instagram URL array[string] Person public emails array[string] Person public phones string Person LinkedIn identifier*.handle string Person social profile handle (user identifier)*.url string Person social profile URL
    person.address.street string Person street
    person.address.postcode string Person postcode string Person city
    person.address.region string Person region string Person country
    person.address.coordinates.latitude number The latitude coordinate of the person
    person.address.coordinates.longitude number The longitude coordinate of the person
    person.employments[].id string Person employment company identifier
    person.employments[].name string Person employment company name
    person.employments[].domain string Person employment company domain
    person.employments[].title string Person employment title in company
    person.employments[].role string Person employment role in company (ceo, communications, consulting, customer_service, education, engineering, finance, founder, health_professional, human_resources, information_technology, legal, marketing, operations, owner, president, product, public_relations, real_estate, recruiting, research or sales)
    person.employments[].seniority string Person employment seniority (executive, director or manager) string Country for person
    person.geolocation.region string Region for person string City for person
    person.geolocation.coordinates.latitude number Latitude for person
    person.geolocation.coordinates.longitude number Longitude for person
    person.locales string Locales spoken by person
    companies[].id string Company unique identifier
    companies[].name string Company name
    companies[].legal_name string Company legal name
    companies[].logo string Company logo
    companies[].description string Company description
    companies[].kind string Company kind (private, education, government or nonprofit)
    companies[].founded number Year the company was founded
    companies[].timezone string Timezone the company operates in
    companies[].contact.domain string Company domain name
    companies[] string Company website URL
    companies[].contact.facebook string Company Facebook URL
    companies[].contact.twitter string Company Twitter URL
    companies[].contact.linkedin string Company LinkedIn URL
    companies[].contact.github string Company GitHub URL
    companies[] string Company YouTube URL
    companies[].contact.instagram string Company Instagram URL
    companies[].contact.emails array[string] Company public emails
    companies[].contact.phones array[string] Company public phones
    companies[].contact.linkedin_id string Company LinkedIn identifier
    companies[].category.industry string Main industry the company operates in
    companies[].category.specialities array[string] Specialties the company has
    companies[].address.street string Company street
    companies[].address.postcode string Company postcode
    companies[] string Company city
    companies[].address.region string Company region
    companies[] string Company country
    companies[].address.coordinates.latitude number The latitude of the company
    companies[].address.coordinates.longitude number The longitude of the company
    companies[].metrics.annual_revenue.amount number Annual revenue for the company (as estimated)
    companies[].metrics.annual_revenue.currency string Currency code for the annual revenue amount (normalized, eg. USD or EUR)
    companies[].metrics.employees array[number] Range of employees, from low to high number, for the company (as estimated)
    companies[].metrics.facebook_likes number Number of Facebook likes for the company profile
    companies[].metrics.twitter_followers number Number of Twitter followers for the company profile
    companies[].employees.email_format string Format of employee emails (eg. {fn} for first_name@company.tld)
    companies[].employees.persons[].id string Employee person unique identifier
    companies[].employees.persons[].name.full string Employee person full name
    companies[].employees.persons[].name.first string Employee person first name
    companies[].employees.persons[].name.last string Employee person last name
    companies[].employees.persons[].domain string Employee person domain name
    companies[].employees.persons[].website string Employee person website URL
    companies[].employees.persons[].facebook string Employee person Facebook URL
    companies[].employees.persons[].twitter string Employee person Twitter URL
    companies[].employees.persons[].linkedin string Employee person LinkedIn URL
    companies[].employees.persons[].github string Employee person GitHub URL
    companies[].employees.persons[].youtube string Employee person YouTube URL
    companies[].employees.persons[].instagram string Employee person Instagram URL
    companies[].employees.persons[].emails array[string] Employee person public emails
    companies[].employees.persons[].phones array[string] Employee person public phones
    companies[].employees.persons[].linkedin_id string Employee person LinkedIn identifier
    companies[].employees.persons[].employment.title string Employee person title in company
    companies[].employees.persons[].employment.role string Employee person role in company (ceo, communications, consulting, customer_service, education, engineering, finance, founder, health_professional, human_resources, information_technology, legal, marketing, operations, owner, president, product, public_relations, real_estate, recruiting, research or sales)
    companies[].employees.persons[].employment.seniority string Employee person seniority (executive, director or manager)

    Enrich a Company

    curl ''

    Example response for this route:

      "query": {
        "domain": "",
      "company": {
        "id": "5a505497-9c1f-4fa9-a97c-a73313854d8e",
        "name": "Crisp",
        "legal_name": "Crisp IM SARL",
        "logo": "",
        "description": "The best live chat and customer engagement solution for your website.",
        "kind": "private",
        "founded": 2015,
        "timezone": "UTC-04:00",
        "contact": {
          "domain": "",
          "website": "",
          "facebook": "",
          "twitter": "",
          "linkedin": "",
          "github": "",
          "youtube": "",
          "instagram": null,
          "emails": [
          "phones": [
          "linkedin_id": 877363938
        "category": {
          "industry": "software",
          "specialities": [
        "address": {
          "street": "149 Rue Pierre Semard",
          "postcode": "29200",
          "city": "Brest",
          "region": "29",
          "country": "FR",
          "coordinates": {
            "latitude": 48.390718,
            "longitude": -4.470261
        "metrics": {
          "annual_revenue": {
            "amount": 1200000,
            "currency": "USD"
          "employees": [1,10],
          "facebook_likes": 12301,
          "twitter_followers": 5238
        "employees": {
          "email_format": "{fn}",
          "persons": [
              "id": "a5891fd2-dac6-45a6-9458-65eaab708020",
              "name": {
                "full": "Valerian Saliou",
                "first": "Valerian",
                "last": "Saliou"
              "employment": {
                "title": null,
                "role": "engineering",
                "seniority": "executive"
              "contact": {
                "domain": "",
                "website": "",
                "facebook": "",
                "twitter": "",
                "linkedin": "",
                "github": "",
                "youtube": "",
                "instagram": null,
                "emails": [
                "phones": [
                "linkedin_id": null

    This resource enriches data on a company with more information on that company, given the company domain name, or an email address or phone number from someone at the company.

    HTTP Request


    Credit Cost

    1 enrichment counts for 2 credits. If you request the same enrich resource multiple times in the same month, credits will only be billed once. Billed only if results are returned.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    id The internal identifier of the company to enrich (optional)
    domain The domain name to enrich (optional)

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    query.* string Query parameters that were taken into account string Company unique identifier string Company name
    company.legal_name string Company legal name
    company.logo string Company logo
    company.description string Company description
    company.kind string Company kind (private, education, government or nonprofit)
    company.founded number Year the company was founded
    company.timezone string Timezone the company operates in string Company domain name string Company website URL string Company Facebook URL string Company Twitter URL string Company LinkedIn URL string Company GitHub URL string Company YouTube URL string Company Instagram URL array[string] Company public emails array[string] Company public phones string Company LinkedIn identifier
    company.category.industry string Main industry the company operates in
    company.category.specialities array[string] Specialties the company has
    company.address.street string Company street
    company.address.postcode string Company postcode string Company city
    company.address.region string Company region string Company country
    company.address.coordinates.latitude number The latitude of the company
    company.address.coordinates.longitude number The longitude of the company
    company.metrics.annual_revenue.amount number Annual revenue for the company (as estimated)
    company.metrics.annual_revenue.currency string Currency code for the annual revenue amount (normalized, eg. USD or EUR)
    company.metrics.employees array[number] Range of employees, from low to high number, for the company (as estimated)
    company.metrics.facebook_likes number Number of Facebook likes for the company profile
    company.metrics.twitter_followers number Number of Twitter followers for the company profile
    company.employees.email_format string Format of employee emails for the company profile (eg. {fn} for first_name@company.tld)
    company.employees.persons[].id string Employee person unique identifier for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].name.full string Employee person full name for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].name.first string Employee person first name for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].name.last string Employee person last name for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].domain string Employee person domain name for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].website string Employee person website URL for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].facebook string Employee person Facebook URL for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].twitter string Employee person Twitter URL for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].linkedin string Employee person LinkedIn URL for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].github string Employee person GitHub URL for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].youtube string Employee person YouTube URL for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].instagram string Employee person Instagram URL for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].emails array[string] Employee person public emails for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].phones array[string] Employee person public phones for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].linkedin_id string Employee person LinkedIn identifier for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].employment.title string Employee person title in company for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].employment.role string Employee person role in company for the company profile (ceo, communications, consulting, customer_service, education, engineering, finance, founder, health_professional, human_resources, information_technology, legal, marketing, operations, owner, president, product, public_relations, real_estate, recruiting, research or sales)
    company.employees.persons[].employment.seniority string Employee person seniority for the company profile (executive, director or manager)

    Enrich a Network

    curl ''

    Example response for this route:

      "query": {
        "ip": "",
      "network": {
        "id": "8ea17043-7386-4b3b-9eca-0c58bd9d4685",
        "ip": "",
        "kind": "V4",
        "host": {
          "reachable": true
        "reverse": {
          "hostname": "",
          "matches": true
        "geolocation": {
          "country": "GB",
          "region": "EC4N",
          "city": "London",
          "coordinates": {
            "latitude": 51.5092,
            "longitude": -0.0955
        "block": {
          "name": "DIGITALOCEAN-LON-1",
          "range": "",
          "owner": {
            "organization": "DigitalOcean, Inc.",
            "person": "Network Operations",
            "contact": {
              "emails": [
              "phones": [
            "address": {
              "street": "101 Ave of the Americas, 10th Floor",
              "postcode": "10013",
              "city": "New York",
              "region": "NY",
              "country": "US",
              "coordinates": {
                "latitude": 40.7231,
                "longitude": -74.0056
        "usage": {
          "home": false,
          "office": false,
          "mobile": false,
          "server": true,
          "tor": false,
          "vpn": true
      "company": {
        "id": "5a505497-9c1f-4fa9-a97c-a73313854d8e",
        "name": "Crisp",
        "legal_name": "Crisp IM SARL",
        "logo": "",
        "description": "The best live chat and customer engagement solution for your website.",
        "kind": "private",
        "founded": 2015,
        "timezone": "UTC-04:00",
        "contact": {
          "domain": "",
          "website": "",
          "facebook": "",
          "twitter": "",
          "linkedin": "",
          "github": "",
          "youtube": "",
          "instagram": null,
          "emails": [
          "phones": [
          "linkedin_id": null
        "category": {
          "industry": "software",
          "specialities": [
        "address": {
          "street": "149 Rue Pierre Semard",
          "postcode": "29200",
          "city": "Brest",
          "region": "29",
          "country": "FR",
          "coordinates": {
            "latitude": 48.390718,
            "longitude": -4.470261
        "metrics": {
          "annual_revenue": {
            "amount": 1200000,
            "currency": "USD"
          "employees": [1,10],
          "facebook_likes": 12301,
          "twitter_followers": 5238
        "employees": {
          "email_format": "{fn}",
          "persons": [
              "id": "a5891fd2-dac6-45a6-9458-65eaab708020",
              "name": {
                "full": "Valerian Saliou",
                "first": "Valerian",
                "last": "Saliou"
              "employment": {
                "title": null,
                "role": "engineering",
                "seniority": "executive"
              "contact": {
                "domain": "",
                "website": "",
                "facebook": "",
                "twitter": "",
                "linkedin": "",
                "github": "",
                "youtube": "",
                "instagram": null,
                "emails": [
                "phones": [
                "linkedin_id": null

    This resource enriches a network with network and company information, provided an IP address.

    HTTP Request


    Credit Cost

    1 enrichment counts for 1 credit. If you request the same enrich resource multiple times in the same month, credits will only be billed once. Billed only if results are returned.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    id The internal identifier of the network to enrich (optional)
    ip The IP address to enrich (optional)

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    query.* string Query parameters that were taken into account string Network unique identifier
    network.ip string Network IP address
    network.kind string Network IP address kind (V4 for IPv4 or V6 for IPv6) boolean Network host for IP address reachable / online (via ICMP ping)
    network.reverse.hostname string Reverse hostname for IP address
    network.reverse.matches boolean Reverse hostname matches resolves to IP (resolves in both ways) string Country for IP
    network.geolocation.region string Region for IP string City for IP
    network.geolocation.coordinates.latitude number Latitude for IP
    network.geolocation.coordinates.longitude number Longitude for IP string Network block name
    network.block.range string Network block range (CIDR format, as ip/prefix)
    network.block.owner.organization string Network block owner organization
    network.block.owner.person string Network block owner person array[string] Network block owner emails array[string] Network block owner phones
    network.block.owner.address.street string Network block owner street
    network.block.owner.address.postcode string Network block owner postcode string Network block owner city
    network.block.owner.address.region string Network block owner region string Network block owner country
    network.block.owner.address.coordinates.latitude number Network block owner latitude
    network.block.owner.address.coordinates.longitude number Network Network block owner longitude
    network.usage.home boolean Network is probably used for home boolean Network is probably used for office boolean Network is probably used via mobile
    network.usage.server boolean Network is probably used for a server
    network.usage.tor boolean Network is probably used via Tor
    network.usage.vpn boolean Network is probably used via VPN string Company unique identifier string Company name
    company.legal_name string Company legal name
    company.logo string Company logo
    company.description string Company description
    company.kind string Company kind (private, education, government or nonprofit)
    company.founded number Year the company was founded
    company.timezone string Timezone the company operates in string Company domain name string Company website URL string Company Facebook URL string Company Twitter URL string Company LinkedIn URL string Company GitHub URL string Company YouTube URL string Company Instagram URL array[string] Company public emails array[string] Company public phones string Company LinkedIn identifier
    company.category.industry string Main industry the company operates in
    company.category.specialities array[string] Specialties the company has
    company.address.street string Company street
    company.address.postcode string Company postcode string Company city
    company.address.region string Company region string Company country
    company.address.coordinates.latitude number The latitude of the company
    company.address.coordinates.longitude number The longitude of the company
    company.metrics.annual_revenue.amount number Annual revenue for the company (as estimated)
    company.metrics.annual_revenue.currency string Currency code for the annual revenue amount (normalized, eg. USD or EUR)
    company.metrics.employees array[number] Range of employees, from low to high number, for the company (as estimated)
    company.metrics.facebook_likes number Number of Facebook likes for the company profile
    company.metrics.twitter_followers number Number of Twitter followers for the company profile
    company.employees.email_format string Format of employee emails for the company profile (eg. {fn} for first_name@company.tld)
    company.employees.persons[].id string Employee person unique identifier for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].name.full string Employee person full name for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].name.first string Employee person first name for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].name.last string Employee person last name for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].domain string Employee person domain name for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].website string Employee person website URL for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].facebook string Employee person Facebook URL for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].twitter string Employee person Twitter URL for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].linkedin string Employee person LinkedIn URL for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].github string Employee person GitHub URL for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].youtube string Employee person YouTube URL for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].instagram string Employee person Instagram URL for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].emails array[string] Employee person public emails for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].phones array[string] Employee person public phones for the company profile
    companies[].employees.persons[].linkedin_id string Employee person LinkedIn identifier for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].employment.title string Employee person title in company for the company profile
    company.employees.persons[].employment.role string Employee person role in company for the company profile (ceo, communications, consulting, customer_service, education, engineering, finance, founder, health_professional, human_resources, information_technology, legal, marketing, operations, owner, president, product, public_relations, real_estate, recruiting, research or sales)
    company.employees.persons[].employment.seniority string Employee person seniority for the company profile (executive, director or manager)

    Verify API

    Validate an Email

    curl ''

    Example response for this route:

      "query": {
        "email": "",
      "valid": true,
      "accuracy": 0.98,
      "results": {
        "gravatar": true,
        "gibberish": false,
        "disposable": false,
        "webmail": false,
        "mx_records": true,
        "smtp_server": true,
        "smtp_check": true,
        "spf_policy": true,
        "dmarc_policy": true,
        "catch_all": false,
        "high_volume": true

    This resource verifies if an email is valid and if it exists. Performs a wide range of tests and provides a result with a accuracy number.

    HTTP Request


    Credit Cost

    1 validate counts for 1 credit. If you request the same verify resource multiple times in the same month, credits will only be billed once. Billed only if results are returned.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Description
    email The email address to validate (optional)

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    query.* string Query parameters that were taken into account
    valid boolean Whether email is valid or not (also look for accuracy ratio)
    accuracy number Accuracy ratio (from 0.0 to 1.0, higher is more certain)
    results.gravatar boolean Email address has a Gravatar set? (the email owner defined an avatar for their email)
    results.gibberish boolean Email address looks gibberish (ie. likely not used by anyone)
    results.disposable boolean Email domain provides disposable addresses (eg.
    results.webmail boolean Email provider has a webmail? (eg.
    results.mx_records boolean MX records set for domain? (a domain without MX records can still receive emails)
    results.smtp_server boolean SMTP server exists and is reachable for domain?
    results.smtp_check boolean SMTP check of email address succeeded?
    results.spf_policy boolean Email domain has an SPF policy?
    results.dmarc_policy boolean Email domain has a DMARC policy?
    results.catch_all boolean Email server accepts all recipients? (catch-all domain)
    results.high_volume boolean Email domain is a high-volume sender? (as estimated)